Mr. Obama recently made a speech at the famous Apollo Theatre in Harlem, NYC. He is a compelling speaker and it will be interesting to see him go head to head against Hillary. He had some good stuff to say. He talked about a new direction for the country, not just a change in policy (THAT was directed right at Hillary). But he also touted Universal Health Care, more money for K-12 education, more money for colleges, and more money for social programs. He even talked about some tax cuts. What he didn't talk about is where all this money is coming from.
But I'll worry about that in the general election. For the primary, right now it's between him and Hillary and you KNOW I'll vote for ANYONE but Hillary!
His speech was long on vision and short on specifics, but that was appropriate for the occasion. The video runs about 22 minutes long. If you want to see and hear him for yourself, click
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