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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Meet the Press: Russert 1, Paul 0

I started out this campaign season with a very simple premise: All politicians are self-serving, self aggrandizing, hold your nose when you vote for them, sellouts....except Hillary Clinton. She was the political Devil incarnate. So my goal was to support ANYONE who could beat Hillary Clinton in the general election. Better the Devil we know than the Devil herself.

Initially I was very critical of Ron Paul, seeing him as a spoiler with no chance of winning the Republican nomination, let alone the White House. But as I researched him and the other so-called candidates more, I found myself starting to like Dr. Paul. I didn't agree with all his policies and I doubted he would ever be gain enough congressional support to do away with the IRS. But he did have some real good ideas and a base philosophy I could understand and agree with. I found myself becoming a Ron Paul supporter and had planned to write an article this morning on the phenomenon that is Ron Paul and the dire condition the country is in which makes him not only viable, but electable.

Like most Ron Paul supporters, I lamented the mainstream presses attempts to ignore him. The internet is great, but Ron needs to be seen and heard on mainstream media sources if he's going to attract the number of voters he's going to need to win. This morning, I got my wish and it was a disaster.

I overslept so I hit DIGG knowing a video of his appearance would show up somewhere. And sure enough it did. The poster talked about Dr. Paul's "beautifully thought-out answers" and I could hardly wait to hit the play button. What started out as a DIGG comment to the poster has turned into this article.

Now no one hits a home run every time at bat. Dr. Paul is human and he's going to have good interviews and not so good interviews. That's the way it goes. And those of us that support Dr. Paul need to be honest enough with ourselves to acknowledge that. But how the poster of the video could call Meet the Press a win for Dr. Paul is absolutely beyond me. And all the Paul supporters who will slam me for heresy once this is posted need a reality check as well.

I actually was embarrassed for Ron Paul versus Tim Russert in this interview. Dr. Paul spoke in broad terms which may be appropriate for campaign speeches but showed a shocking lack of knowledge concerning numbers key to his primary positions.

For example, Dr Paul often uses the line of how we have X number of military bases in Y number of countries as he explains how much money we'll save when he brings them all home.But when Russert asked him how many total troops we had overseas, Paul had no idea. He couldn't even venture a guess. Russert had to tell him. Personally, I would have been OK if Dr. Paul could have given a real close estimate but he had absolutely no idea! How can that be when the savings he talks about directly corresponds to the size of the force we have overseas?

There were a couple of other times when he had no idea on numbers as well. I don't want another Hillary-style policy wonk in the White House, but the questions he couldn't answer were directly related to his position of reducing the government by one half. Did he just make up the "reduce by one half" number? Did he or his staff actually compute how much Dr. Paul's policies, if enacted, would save?

Dr Paul's answer to the probing by Russert on earmarks for his congressional district was also weak, made little sense, and WAS akin to, as Russert put it, "I voted for it before I voted against it". Dr. Paul's response was nonsensical: there's no other way to put it.

Having pictures of himself with Ronald Reagan in his campaign literature on the screen while Russert detailed how Paul came to distance himself from Reagan: one quote said Dr. Paul called Reagan a traitor (which Paul denied) is at best hypocritical. Paul's answer to the charges was, again, weak. He was starting to look like a............ politician.

Russert showed a video of Dr. Paul's response to a Huckabee campaign commercial which positioned the camera in such a way as to make the bookcase behind Huckabee look like a cross. Dr. Paul in the video had a very strident retort; using words like fascism.

Yet when pressed by Russert, Paul admitted he had never seen the commercial, was caught off-guard, and tried to defend his remarks by saying he never accused Romney by name of being a fascist. Ronald Reagan....even Barack Obama, would have just told the interviewer "I've never seen the commercial so I'm not prepared to comment on it." Now the smell of a ...........politician.

Russert pounded him on other statements from the past, especially those made during Paul's 1988 run for the Presidency. Paul's responses were weak, if not at times incoherent.

When Russert hit him with " you broke with Ronald Reagan, you called Bush 41 "a bum" (picture of article with quote on screen), you admit to not voting for Bush 43 in either election, you mailed your resignation to the Republican Party and your membership card back to the RNC (picture of letter and card on screen), and you ran as a Libertarian. So how can you call yourself a Republican and run for the Republican nomination", Paul's response was that he was running as a "Taft Republican". Anyone remember President Taft? Of course not...he didn't do anything.

And it left Dr. Paul wide open for Russert's question "So you think we never should have fought the Civil War to end Slavery?" Paul's reply that Lincoln was wrong, the 600,000 Americans died (at least he had the number for that one) and we should have just bought all the slaves from the South and given them their if the Civil War was only about slavery and if we hadn't had slavery, there would have been no Civil War. And then Paul followed up with a "some of my best supporters are black" type of statement which just made me cringe. By this time, Dr. Paul was looking a lot more Libertarian than Republican, Taft or not. But the best (worse) was to come.

This I must have missed in my research of Dr. Paul and might help explain all the college-age support: Legalize all drugs? Philosophically, I see where he's coming from but philosophy doesn't often work in the real world. I freely admit that in my youth, I experimented with drugs. I know first hand what it's like to be high and drive. How I survived my youth is only through the grace of God, but Dr. Paul wants to legalize all drugs "for adults"? And not because he believes in drug use or freedom, but because the Constitution doesn't allow for it? He went on to quote (without any numbers, unfortunately) how alcohol causes so many deaths and tragedies in this country, but he was OK with Prohibition because at least we amended the Constitution.

Like Dr. Paul, I do not believe that the Constitution is a living document, subject to the whims of the times. But I also don't believe that it's a strait-jacket binding us to the 18th century.

Congress does have the right to enact laws, and so long as they don't conflict with the Constitution and are signed by the President, to enforce them. To keep falling back on the refrain "those powers not specifically granted shall remain the rights of the people" is naive and impractical....and not in keeping with the Founder's intent..not down to that micro a level.

I agree we must constantly be on-guard against fascism. As Ben Franklin said, "those who would trade liberty for security shall enjoy neither". I think Dr. Paul made some great points about the Patriot Act and if you don't support the war, you don't support the troops rhetoric.

But when he started talking about the evil Military-Industrial Complex controlling Government, I thought I was watching a colorized version of a 1950's interview.

I've seen Ron Paul in other venues and in other interviews and I think by far this was his worst showing. He came off as uninformed and sometimes befuddled......and not as a serious Republican candidate, but as a half-baked Libertarian. Obama would eat his lunch in a one-on-one debate, let alone Hillary.

I for one, was very disappointed in Dr. Paul and while I'll still vote for him, it's now motivated more by the "lesser of evils" concept than the "he's the best man". We do need to turn inward as a nation and stop policing the rest of the world and Dr. Paul is the only one I would trust on that account.

And before I start getting slammed by the other Ron Paul supporters, remember that only one perfect man ever walked this earth. That was Jesus Christ. So lets admit our guy took one to the chin, hopes he learns from it, and move on. But lets not live in denial. There is no way any serious Ron Paul supporter can call this Meet the Press interview a "win".

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Poll: Is There a Conspiracy on DIGG Against Ron Paul?

I know there is a large camp that say DIGG is being used as a shill for Ron Paul, but I have a question: I've posted many articles DIGG and EVERY SINGLE ONE that has Ron Paul's name in the title has been buried.......even one with over 800 thumbs up. It doesn't even matter if the article is primarily about Ron Paul: if his name is in the title, it's buried.

Has anyone else experienced this or am I just the unlucky one?

Sincerely, Mr. Unloadingzone Add to Digg DiggIt! Reddit Reddit Stumbleupon Stumble This Google Bookmarks Add to Google Bookmarks Yahoo My Web Add to Yahoo MyWeb Technorati Add to Technorati Faves Slashdot Slashdot it

Alternatives to Hillary: If We Don't Vote for Hillary, who SHOULD we Vote For?

This blog is named Anyone But Hillary in 2008. It's named that for a reason: I am absolutely convinced that Hillary Clinton is motivated purely by personal ambition; that she has an agenda going back to the 1960's that would end America as we know it. She can sound tough, but if (when) another 9/11 hits, she is not the one I want nor do I feel is capable of calling the shots. And that's just one issue. Here being for, and then against, most major issues makes her had to quantify and reinforces my position that she will say and do anything to become President. In a nutshell, I think she's a liberal, globalist, ideologue who will say anything and do anything to become President. I just don't trust her and her record has given me no reason to start trusting her now.

That being said, "Anyone" But Hillary in 2008 is a little simplistic. The American people are going to elect "Someone" President of the United States in 2008. Other than Hillary we have a mixed bag to choose from and some new themes to look at.

The candidates range from professional, business as usual politicians to some more unique characters. In terms of themes, the most blatant is Big Government versus Small Government, because the candidate's position on this theme will reflect in their position on every other issue before us.

At the one end you have Hillary Clinton: Big Government, more government interference in your everyday lives, redistribution of wealth, subordinating our Nation Interests to the United Nations.........

On the other end you have Ron Paul (DON'T make the mistake of writing him off). He is for substantially smaller Government, less government involvement in our lives, an end to America being the policeman of the planet.........

And in between, we have a plethora of candidates who lean one way or the other to varying degrees on one issue here, another issue there.

SOMEWHERE in this group there must be someone worth voting FOR, not simply against Hillary (as vital as that is). My next series of posts is going to compare different candidates against Hillary to try and determine, Republican or Democrat, who is the best Presidential choice for 2008.

I freely admit it is VERY early to be doing this and so-called "front-runner" status is not going to come into play that much for obvious reasons. You need only look to the Republicans where Rudy Guiliani was "destined" to be the GOP candidate.....and suddenly is ranked number three behind Mitt Romney and New Front runner Mike Huckabee. At least until next week.

On the Democrat side, Hillary Clinton was the "clear" front runner by 20 to 30% and more over everyone. Now the pollsters are saying it's neck and neck between Hillary and Barack Obama in New Hampshire. At least until next week.

Not all issues will be covered in each post; as with all my blogs, it's what interests me that's important. I will be relying primarily on what each candidate has had to say versus what editorial writers extrapolate from that. These posts will be fact based as much as it's possible to be fact based when discussing politicians in general. The only editorializing will come from me and I will try to keep that to a minimum.....but knowing myself, it will be impossible NOT to comment on some of the candidates positions, Republican and Democrat alike.

In the interests of perspective and full disclosure, I will tell you that I'm a political agnostic now. I used to be a Republican, but if the scandals, missteps, and outright mismanagement of the Republican Congress starting 1n 1993 were the nails in the coffin, George W. Bush has been the hammer that banged them in. In fact, I wrote an article on my other blog, The Unloading Zone, entitled "A (until recently) Republican is forced to ask "When did George W. Bush Go Insane?"

The George W. Bush I knew as the Great Uniter of Texas is no where to be seen and hasn't been since 9/11. I honestly think the man may have lost his mind.

So I go into this inherently distrusting ALL the candidates....there will be no party favoritism here. As the weeks go by, I hope you find these articles informative and insightful. If you do or don't, please feel free to comment. For the purposes of this series, I will lift my ban on pro-Hillary posts (although I may comment back to you). All comments will be approved.

I'll be alternating between Democrat and Republican candidates. Because he interests me the most at this point, the first article in this series will be a comparison of Hillary to Barack Obama. Stay tuned................

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ron Paul Post Spawns Most Bizarre Reader Comment: It's worth sharing!

Reader comments span the range from flattering to vitriolic on any post. But occasionally, you will get one so absolutely bizarre that it's worth taking a break from the battle to just wonder at it.

In my recent post, Could I have been WRONG about Ron Paul?, I mentioned that, like all sensible Texans, I have a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) and carry a handgun with me when I'm out and about.

Not only is this a right guaranteed by the Second Amendment (except to Rudy Guiliani and Hillary Clinton, to name two), it reduces crime because the criminal has to think twice before attacking someone as they may be armed. In fact, a significant number of CHL's are issued to woman and senior citizens.

And it's not that easy to get a CHL in Texas as opposed to Vermont where if you live there, you can carry (Good for you, Vermont!) Here we go through 11 hours of classroom instruction and range proficiency testing, fingerprinting, photographing, a Texas DPS and FBI background check, and pay about $100 for all the above. Really not too much of an inconvenience considering, though.

The one thing that is drilled into you during classroom instruction is PRAY you never have to use your handgun on someone. Even though the shooting may be totally justified, you will have to go before a Grand Jury (big legal bills). To date, no CHL holder has ever been indited by the Grand Jury, but you still will probably have to go through it (big legal bills).

After the Grand Jury has acquitted you, you're still not home free. The parents/brothers/cousins of the victim will cry "My son may have been a crack dealer, an armed robber and a drug user, but he could have been a rocket scientist!" and they will file a multi-million dollar civil suit against you (real big legal bills). To date, no court in Texas has found against the CHL holder but you still have to pay those big legal bills.

Then there's the dark side to the CHL laws. Let's say a mugger is charging me with a knife. I have seconds before he stabs me to death. I shoot him. That's OK under the law. But lets say the bullet passes through him and strikes an innocent person walking down the street. Suddenly, I lose all my legal protections under the CHL law. I and I alone am responsible for where that bullet ends up once I pull the trigger.

Moral reasons aside (no sane person wants to kill another human being unless they have to) being involved in a legal shooting is no fun matter. We CHL holders take the responsibility very seriously.

So with that background, here's the Reader Comment in question:

Anonymous said...

"I carry a gun when I go out."

Wow... just wow. I'm not from the US so I don't understand the 2nd amendment at all. The fact that you carry a gun sounds so incredibly insane to me, you have no idea! I think you might be psychotic and you need help. Get your head checked, you don't need a gun and you don't need a 2nd amendment.

In my country crime levels are lower and we're doing very well economically, we're not in war, have a democratic system (multiple parties, even one for animals) and always get lots of medals in the Winter Olympics. WE DO NOT CARRY GUNS WHEN WE GO OUT! There are so many important and beautiful things in life and you focus on the ultimate personal death bringer? Good luck with your life, all I can hope is that you will NEVER EVER use that gun.

December 8, 2007 3:26 PM

His country has a political party for ANIMALS? That opens up a plethora of questions. How does a Moose get his name on the ballot? How do animals vote in Parliament? Do they moo, stamp their hoof once for yes and two times for no? Do they have their own restroom or if they're a female animal, they use the ladies room? Or do they just let go on the Parliament floor and someone cleans it up? How do they write legislation? Has a Kangaroo ever been Prime Minister? Do they receive Secret Service Protection when visiting the US? If the Animal Legislator is a Turkey and visiting the US during Thanksgiving, do they get diplomatic immunity from becoming the White House dinner? Do they have two animal parties: one for carnivores and one for herbivores? Has there ever been a scandal about a carnivore eating a herbivore to break a tie vote?

I'm getting lectured and called psychotic by a citizen of a country who has to decide whether to vote for the Zebra or the Penguin at election time?

I do agree with the person who left the comment that I too hope I never have to use my handgun on another human being. But that will be the attackers choice, not mine.

The person who left the comment is willing governed by goats and caribou. Who is the crazier one, him or me?

I really wished he had identified the country he lives in. I hope it's one that really exists and he's not locked away in a home somewhere. If any of you know which country has an Animal Party, please post it in comments. It might be fun to visit.......kind of like Disney World.

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

FALL-OUT FROM: Could I have been WRONG about Ron Paul

Yesterday, I wrote a little post on how I may have been wrong in dismissing and outright criticising Ron Paul as a viable Republican candidate and Presidential contender. It was entitled "Could I Have Been WRONG about Ron Paul?"
I stressed "might" and that I was just beginning to really dig into Dr. Paul's positions, but at a gut level, I just LIKED him.
I have two humble little blogs which I use as an outlet to discuss things I like, things I dislike, and to generally blow off stress. I have a lot of ads on my blogs and to date I've earned $1. I put them up more as decoration than anything else.
I never envisioned them drawing any type of mass response nor was it ever my intent. Blogging was a hobby I enjoyed and as I view the good and the bad in the world to today, it gave me some satisfaction that somewhere on Google, at least my opinions were at least present.
Much to my shock and amazement, This article receive over 7400 Page Views, over 800 "diggs" at, and over 232 comments at This morning, I found an additional 35 comments waiting for posting on Anyone But Hillary in 2008!!!
That sets an all-time record for either of my blogs! My post was also "buried" at meaning more people who read it gave Ron Paul (and me) a thumbs down than the 800+ who gave it a thumbs up.
It just goes to show you what a polarizing figure Ron Paul has become and why I now find him "interesting". I'll keep looking into him and you will see more posts about him, but rest assured, I am no "shill" for Ron Paul, as some on DIGG asserted.I think my article makes that clear to all but the most thick-headed as well as the fact I have been dismissive of Ron Paul in the past. I even wrote a post "Now is NOT the time for Ron Paul" which got me criticism from the pro-Ron Paul people....but NOTHING like what I got with this post from the anti-Ron Paul crowd.
And in reading all the comments and comments to other pro-Ron Paul posts, I discovered something else. Basically two groups of people are commenting (and voting): those who support Ron Paul and those that are AFRAID of Ron Paul.
Another plus for the Ron Paul camp: fear is generally a synonym for ignorance (except when it comes to Hillary).
And thank you Ron Paul supporters for your kindness and suggestions on where to look for research. I was tempted to delete one comment that used the f-word a couple of times, but I believe in free speech, even when it makes a point in a vulgar way.
You'll see more posts from me on Dr. Paul in the future. I'm not going to agree with everything he says, but he's doing a good job of winning me over! By the way, there the heck did you come up with a blimp? I thought Blimps R Us went out of business years ago. :-)
I enjoy good, reasoned, civil conversation. I certainly got that and a lot more yesterday! And remember, vote for ANYONE (but maybe give Ron Paul a real hard look) BUT HILLARY in 2008! Tags:, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
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Saturday, December 8, 2007

Could I have been WRONG about Ron Paul?

You've probably noticed a lack of posts on this blog compared to my other blog, The Unloading Zone. It's not because I don't have the time; it's just that this campaign to date has been so lackluster, so scripted, so.......boring.

I write about what interests me and so far, very little has interested me in the 2008 Presidential Race. I anticipated a little heat after the first of the year and, after all, the election is about 11 months away. There will be plenty to write about later on. Or so I thought.

One thing I have done is been rather dismissive of Dr. Ron Paul, Republican/Libertarian from Texas. Not only on this blog, but especially in the comments section on which these days seems nothing more than a Gen X platform for Dr. Paul.

I saw him as a latter-day Ross Perot; a spoiler who would pull enough Republican votes to hand the White House to Hillary. And I am SOLIDLY against anything or anyone who could hand her the Presidency. My plan: Texas has open primaries so I would vote (for the first time in my life) as a Democrat, pick Obama or whomever else was the strongest candidate next to Hillary, and then vote for the Republican, whomever THAT is in the general election. Holding my nose while I vote in the general election won't be enough: I planned on wearing a gas mask.

So I'm surfing the political news looking for something to write about this morning. Do I REALLY want to get into the whole "whose the best Christian" thing with Huckabee and Romney? Has Rudy gotten into ANOTHER scandal? Is Mike Huckabee's "lets isolate AIDS patients" position political suicide, a ticket to the White House, or just a pathetic bid for airtime? I'm interested......NOT. In fact, none of the Republican front-runners excite me in the least or even interest me.

On the Democrat side, Obama, despite his appeal to me as a Hillary-Killer, is really just a clone of her on Universal Healthcare and Education. Nothing exciting to talk about there. And Hillary hasn't done anything shocking enough to justify a post the past few days. And who can even remember who the other Democrats are. I guess I'll go back to my other blog where I am having some fun.

And then I noticed someone (predictably on DIGG) had posted something about a Newsweek interview video with Ron Paul on the Second Amendment. That caught my eye. I am a fervent supporter of the Constitution and the Second Amendment has been trampled on more than the other nine. I also like guns. I own guns. I carry a gun when I go out. (yes, I have a concealed handgun license). So, despite my fatigue with the Ron DIGG Paul crowd, I decided to watch the video. Then I watched the other two videos there: one on Israel and it's right to exist; the other on getting rid of the IRS. And you know what? I found myself LIKING Ron Paul!

It wasn't the positions he took, per se.....these were short videos. I liked how he handled himself. I liked the confidence in his positions he exhibited. I liked his honesty. I particularly liked the way he handled the reporter when he tried to "trap" Dr. Paul. No blustering, no double-speak. He just considered for a second and gave an answer. He could have obfuscated, he could have bobbed and weaved, but he didn't. And he's the first politician I've seen since Ronald Reagan who seemed very comfortable with himself.

Obama "quit" smoking after criticism from his handlers. If Dr. Paul smoked (I don't believe he does), he would have lit up a cigarette on camera, acknowledged the health hazards, and basically said "this is who I am". I'll say it again, I found myself LIKING Ron Paul.

But liking him and seeing him elected are too different things. I originally stopped looking at his positions too closely after I heard he wanted to abolish the IRS and reduce the size of government by 50%. This was just another Libertarian in Republican clothes, I thought. Politicians come and go but bureaucracies are forever.

I went back to Dr. Paul's website this morning and REALLY read his positions, not just the little teaser paragraphs that end with a hyperlink to "details". Do I think he's going to be able to reduce the size of government by 50%? No, the Congress and the bureaucrats won't let that happen. But I found myself agreeing with him more than I disagreed. I found his positions more plausible than the soundbites of them would indicate. And I just liked the guy!

I'm not coming out with an endorsement based on insomnia and web surfing, but I am going to read more about Ron Paul and I am going stop dumping on him as a spoiler. If he can get enough airtime and enough debate time, (I can't believe I'm going to say this) he MAY BE ELECTABLE, even against Hillary!

So as a cynical baby boomer who has had his heart broken too many times by the Republicans, I will say that I now find Dr. Paul "interesting" and plan to do a lot more research on him and his positions. Before the DIGG servers explode, let me say that I am not changing the name of my blog: Defeating Hillary Clinton is critical to the survival of America, I truly believe that. She is the antithesis of Ron Paul. Under Hillary, we would just be a client state of the United Nations.
But I like Ron Paul and I'm going to keep up on him.

And who knows, I have two spaces on my lawn I reserve for political signs. One is going to Maher Maso, who is running for Mayor of Frisco, TX (like anyone outside of Frisco cares). But the other spot doesn't have a name on it. Wouldn't it be something if a Ron Paul for President sign ended up there........

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Karl Rove and Hillary Clinton Make Strange Bedfellows

I would be hard-pressed to think of two people so unlikely to share the same view on a controversial and polarizing issue as Karl Rove, the evil genius behind George W. Bush's election and re-election, and Hillary Clinton, self-serving 1960's left-over. Not only do they share the same view, but their view is at the far left of the political spectrum.

Their comments were made in two different venues and under very different circumstances. Yet you could attribute Hillary's comments to Rove and visa-versa and no one would know the difference. The topic was Illegal Immigration.

For Rove, the venue was the East Texas Immigration Summit sponsored by Texas Employers for Immigration Reform.

For Hillary, the event less than a week after Rove's comments was the National Public Radio sponsored debate among the Democrat contenders.

In an interview at the Summit with the Houston Chronicle, Rove said the following "one out of 20 workers in America is here illegally.....If you think we can take 5% of our workforce and throw them out, your kidding yourself. We would suffer serious economic damage. There is a moral cost. There's a practical cost."

During the NPR debate, when pressed for a straight answer, Hillary finally relented and said “What we’re looking at here is 12 to 14 million people — they live in our neighborhoods, they take care of our elderly, they probably made the beds in the hotels that some of us stayed in last night. They are embedded in our society. If we want to listen to the demagogues and the calls for us to being to round up people and turn every American into a suspicious vigilante, I think we will do graver harm to the fabric of our nation than any kind of person-by-person reporting of someone who might be here illegally.”

Politics really does make strange bedfellows. I just hope they use a condom: those two pools of genes could only produce one offspring: The Anti-Christ. Add to Digg DiggIt! Reddit Reddit Stumbleupon Stumble This Google Bookmarks Add to Google Bookmarks Yahoo My Web Add to Yahoo MyWeb Technorati Add to Technorati Faves Slashdot Slashdot it

Monday, December 3, 2007

Hillary FINALLY "Says" Something I Can Believe....

A little tasteless humor to break up anotherwise snooze-fest of a Presidental Campaign (unless you're a Ron Paul groupie). Click on the title to see the video and decide for yourself. Add to Digg DiggIt! Reddit Reddit Stumbleupon Stumble This Google Bookmarks Add to Google Bookmarks Yahoo My Web Add to Yahoo MyWeb Technorati Add to Technorati Faves Slashdot Slashdot it

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Obama at the Apollo

Mr. Obama recently made a speech at the famous Apollo Theatre in Harlem, NYC. He is a compelling speaker and it will be interesting to see him go head to head against Hillary. He had some good stuff to say. He talked about a new direction for the country, not just a change in policy (THAT was directed right at Hillary). But he also touted Universal Health Care, more money for K-12 education, more money for colleges, and more money for social programs. He even talked about some tax cuts. What he didn't talk about is where all this money is coming from.

But I'll worry about that in the general election. For the primary, right now it's between him and Hillary and you KNOW I'll vote for ANYONE but Hillary!

His speech was long on vision and short on specifics, but that was appropriate for the occasion. The video runs about 22 minutes long. If you want to see and hear him for yourself, click HERE.

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