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Sunday, June 29, 2008

FINALLY: A Reason to Vote for President in November!

McCain or Obama: two second rate want-to-be's for President whose biggest challenge will be giving the American public a reason to get out of bed and go vote in November.....until now.

I will be voting for John McCain for President, regardless of whatever stupid things he says or does between now and the election for one reason and one reason only: The Supreme Court.

It is likely at least one Supreme Court Justice will be stepping down during the next administration. As the 5-4 decision by the Supreme Court on the challenge to Washington DC's anti-Second Amendment laws shows, the Court is fairly balanced with a slight lean to the right.

Since the Justices most likely to resign are liberal, a President Obama would nominate liberals to replace them so at worst case, we maintain the status quo....unless he nominates HILLARY!! But even if he did, I'm not so sure she would be confirmed. Still, not worth the risk.

If McCain is elected, it's a whole different ballgame.

While I doubt a President McCain would actually stand up, nominate, and fight for hard-right conservatives, he certainly would nominate conservatives of some ilk. And that will be very significant going forward.

Perhaps we can get everything the incredibly liberal 5th Circuit overturns reinstated. Maybe we could get the 1977 Supreme Court Decision rendering unconstitutional a (in this case) Texas law that illegal alien children would not be educated at public expense overturned!

That would certainly go a long way in lowering Texans ridiculously high school taxes. Dare I hope for more? That Oklahoma and others laws highly penalizing employers for hiring illegal aliens will be swiftly heard and upheld?

Or, I'm almost afraid to put this in writing, but could a law be passed banning "birthright" citizenship and upheld by the Court? No more border babies. A child born in the United States would be a citizen of the country that both their parents are; not automatic US citizens as is the case today.

FINALLY, I have a reason to support one of the candidates! John McCain for President! John McCain for President!

This post sponsored by Mr. Unloadingzone: Blogger for McCain.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Poll: Obama opens up 15 point lead over John McCain

The latest Newsweek Nationwide Poll shows Democrat Barack Obama with a 15-point lead over Republican John McCain. Of course, that depends on how you read the poll. It's obvious the mainstream press is moving on from picking the Primary winners to picking the next President....and they want Obama.And so, as America continues it's slide into oblivion, we'll have our first black President. Does anyone really care about that stuff anymore?Now if he picks HILLARY as VP, as I predicted in my last article, THEN the world is over. But Obama over McCain: they're BOTH on the wrong track and will be BOTH separately but equally BAD for America.The only thing that matters anymore is keeping Hillary OUT of the VP Chair and OFF the Supreme Court. You could dump Herbert Hoover's remains on the chair in the Oval Office and he'll do no better or worse a job than either Obama or McCain.I wish I were in America again.

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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Obama Signs his Soul over to Hillary in Secret Meeting!!!!

Entering the Washington home of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Barack Obama, bursting with arrogant confidence just moments before, suddenly felt uneasy.

Sen. Feinstein welcomed him and his aids at the door and was talking pleasantries as they walked to the hallway toward her sitting room, the only thing he remember hearing was that Hillary was already here and waiting for him. She walked him into the sitting room, chatted for a second with Hillary, and then excused herself.

The room was eerily quiet. As Hillary dismissed both their representatives from the room, a icy chill ran down Barack's body. With the click of the door closing, a cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

"Well Barack, how badly do you want to be President?" Hillary asked in an almost threatening way.

Obama turned and gasped in horror! Sitting at the table was Hillary Clinton; but she looked different. Her eyes were neon red, her skin a burnt orange, and a pair of wings and a tail had burst through her pants suit!

"Satan!" Obama blurted out!

"Well Barack, how badly do you want to be President?" Hillary repeated, her tail swinging back and forth like a metronome.

Obama paused, his eyes narrowing, and smiled. Hillary smiled back with a mouthful of fangs. "A lot." he replied as he sat down opposite her.

She reeked of death, decay, and flatulence; he barely noticed. After all, he was a politician too. The odor reminded him of.....the Senate. He began to relax as the horrid stench comforted him with it's familiarity. He reached down into his right sock and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

"I'm not very pleased that you beat me!" Hillary hissed, her wings unfurling slightly, "But it is what it is." She sat back. "You need my support to beat McCain, you know that don't you?"

Obama took in a deep lungful of smoke and laughed. "Too much of your support will drive the lilly white housewives right into McCain's camp and you pissed off Charlie Rangel already. I need your heartfelt concession; your delegates, and for you to back off. I'll take care of the old fart myself." he replied confidently.

"Really", Hillary smirked, "and how are you going to deal with the October release of the Fox News video on YouTube video showing your racist wife Michelle on-stage with Louis Farrakhan lambasting Caucasian America with the term "whitey?"

Obama froze. "That video doesn't exist anymore!" Hillary just smiled. "I'm telling you that video does not exist!" he replied angrily.

Hillary smiled again, and reached into a $3000 purse a supporter had slipped to her and removed a DVD. Wings flapping, she floated over to Feinstein's entertainment center, slipped the DVD into the player and turned on the flat screen TV. "Surprise!"

Obama stared and listened in amazement for what seemed to be an eternity. When Hillary stopped the DVD and removed it, he visibly flinched. "Where the hell did you get that from?" he asked in almost a whisper.

Hillary laughed. "Where the HELL indeed!" Moving quickly, she towered over the slumping Obama. "You have NO IDEA of the POWER at my disposal" she lashed out. "If it wasn't for my idiot husband and his stupid remarks during the campaign, we wouldn't even be having this conversation!"

She floated back over to her chair. Suddenly, she was all business. " You said you wanted to be President 'a lot'. Well, without something in it for me, that's not going to happen."

Her eyes narrowed. "I have an AGENDA. I've had it for 40 years! I've planned carefully. If it wasn't for me, Bill would have been a successful Real Estate Agent in Arkansas, screwing every waitress and secretary in the State when he wasn't playing golf or selling real estate."

"I PUSHED him into being Governor. I PUSHED him into the Presidency. With all his screwing around and baggage, did you ever wonder HOW he was not only elected President, but RE-ELECTED? Who do you think stopped the Senate from impeaching him? ME! I Will Not Be Stopped by ANYONE.......including YOU!

Obama pushed back in his chair, wishing this was just some horrible nightmare but it wasn't. He HAD to be President....the FIRST Black President. That was HIS destiny....he knew it. But know he also knew he would have to sell his soul to get there.

He pulled another cigarette out of his sock. Lighting it, he said calmly "What do you propose?"

Hillary smiled evilly, "We will leave this meeting laughing and joking.. We will both say it was a good first meeting to heal the wounds of a grueling primary. You will say that your three person Vice President selection team would keep on with their work. You felt no rush to make a decision; to the contrary, you want to take your time and make the BEST POSSIBLE decision."

"You'll keep them guessing right up until the Convention. I, on the other hand, will indicate my willingness to do whatever it takes to put you in the White House." she laughed again, "and when they ask me if I would campaign to be the Vice President, I would say 'No, not at all! If Senator Obama feels I can serve him and the country best in that capacity, I would acquiesce to his wishes. But I'm just planning on campaigning as hard as I can for him to be our next President." By now, she was laughing so hard her face had become as red as her eyes.

"The press will be crying 'Dream Team, Dream Team'.....I'll make sure of that. And then at the convention, you'll turn on that Obama charm you're famous for, you'll explain how important it was that you chose the right running mate. How you interviewed dozens of candidates; and you will have. A waste of your time, but necessary."

"But in the end, shining as bright as the sun on Jerusalem, there was only ONE CLEAR CHOICE. Then you'll give that boyish JFK grin and say "'Hillary, will you be my Vice President?'"

Hillary flew out of her chair, barely missing the ceiling. "Can you IMAGINE the response??? The place will go WILD! Everyone will start chanting 'Dream Team, Dream Team'! Delegates will reach under their seats and be pulling out Dream Team t-shirts and Obama/Clinton 2008 buttons!.....I'll arrange for that." She floated back to the floor. "And you will be the next President of the United States. Interested?"

Obama crushed out his cigarette on the table. "And what's in it for you? I'm not going to be a cardboard cut-out with you calling all the shots. VP's go to funerals and visit our allies. I will be making the policy. I have an agenda too!"

Hillary settle back in her chair, reached into her purse, and pulled out a parchment and a small knife. "Funerals. Yes, I will be certainly going to at least one."

"Here's the deal: I get you elected. I'll give you your time in the sun with your "agenda". I'll be doing some things behind the scenes but I will also do what is necessary to ensure your agenda gets through Congress. You will be the most popular President since JFK. You'll be a hero and an inspiration to both blacks and whites. And you will be re-elected in a landslide, with me as your running mate, of course."

Obama smiled for a few minutes, his eyes glazed over imagining the future. Then he blinked hard and looked Hillary dead in her red neon eyes. "You didn't answer my question. What's in it for YOU?"

She was quiet for a moment; then replied "You will have 7 years as President....a President that will be remember as one, if not, the greatest President who ever served."

Obama frowned "Seven years? But two terms would run 8 years." Hillary smiled again. "You said it yourself, Vice Presidents go to funerals."

And then he understood.

"In your 7th year in office, you will be whom or why you don't need to know, save that it's part of MY agenda. The entire country, every race, creed, color, and political party will mourn your passing like no one has been mourned before.

You won't just be the greatest President who ever lived; your death, which will be heroic, will make you a martyr for all of time. An entire generation of boys will be named Barack. Statues will be erected. Buildings by the thousands named after you. A thousand years from now, people will still know and revere you. Your diary....start one tomorrow....will be more popular than the Bible. Your biography will be required reading in school. You will be legendary!"

More silence. Then Obama said "and you will be President for nine years.....knowing you, maybe longer."

Hillary nodded and smiled, adding "and look at all the other ex-Presidents: do you want to play golf and whore around for 20 or 30 years after you leave office; giving speeches at rubber chicken dinners to support yourself? And put up with that embarrassment of a wife you have? Or do you want to be LEGENDARY!"

"You would eclipse Dr. King! You would eclipse EVERYONE! Isn't that worth it? Seven years and then immortality?"

Obama pulled another cigarette from his sock and paced the room, smoking and thinking. He turned to Hillary. "and for those 7 years, I would TRULY be the President? I would be making the decisions? It would be MY White House?"

Hillary stood up. "Absolutely. Oh, I have I few little things I'd like to see put in place before your 7 years are up, but you will be the President and it will be your White House and your legacy I will have to live up to." She covered her mouth with a pretend cough to hide her grin. "You have my word of honor."

Walking to the table, she picked up the parchment and held it up. "It's all in writing. All you have to do is sign it....Mr. President."

He glanced at the knife, then back at Hillary. "Yes, Barack, in blood."

From Reuters, June 6, 2008: Clinton and Obama held a private one-on-one meeting on Thursday night at the Washington home of Sen. Dianne Feinstein. The California Democrat said the two candidates chatted privately for about an hour and were laughing as they left.

And so it came to pass on that warm June evening,the beginning of the end of the world had begun..........................

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hillary apparently facing reality so it's Obama versus McCain? Great.

Compared to my other Blog, The Unloading Zone, my posts here have been pretty sparse. If someone told me this would happen when I started Anyone But Hillary in 2008!, I would

Politics at the National level primarily and at the State level to a lesser degree have fascinated me since I was a teenager (a LONG time ago). I think I've mentioned in previous posts that at 13, I was at the 1972 Republican Convention handing out 'Re-Elect Nixon" buttons and materials.

I lived through the Carter administration where he finally went on TV and blamed the American Public for the "malaise" the Country was experiencing.

I rode the highs of the Reagan years, saw my dream come true in the 90's when the Republicans took both houses of Congress for the first time in decades....and had my dreams crushed with as the minority Democrat party systematically destroyed the Gingrich Revolution....because the Republicans had been in the minority so long they forgot how to Lead Congress.

And then we elected George W. Bush to eight years. I voted for him both times only because I thought the Democrat alternative was worse

The Republican scandals in Congress continued. Now were a half trillion dollars in debt and growing, the dollar is becoming worthless, we're involved in a war we had no justification to start in the first place.

Then came the 2008 Primaries which started too early in 2007. And with it, the biggest crop of losers I can remember seeing, from BOTH sides of the isle, running for President....with a tightly controlled mainstream media universally and simultaneously deciding who to cover, who to marginalize, we apparently have our two contenders right in the nick of time: Barack Obama and John McCain. Wow.

In this ENTIRE Country, the Democrats and Republicans couldn't do any better then that?

I did start getting excited by one candidate. At least Ron Paul had a few good ideas and the Congress could have stopped anything too extreme he proposed. But ending Pax America, closing all our overseas bases and bringing all the troops home: THAT was a good idea.

The Cold War is over and the proxy wars we and the Soviet Union fought through other countries prevented a direct and likely nuclear confrontation between the two of us. But that time is past. The Soviet Union is dead.

Let the rest of the world fight it's own battles: WE ARE BROKE and it's no longer in our interests to have a world-wide military presence. In fact, it's hurting us more than helping us.

That would save America 1 trillion dollars a year: enough to pay off the deficit AND eliminate the Federal Income Tax......forever. And as Commander in Chief and a strict Constitutionalist, I think Dr. Paul could have pulled that off and the Supreme Court would have backed him up.

But despite the greatest grass roots political movement in US History, the mainstream press, working in concert, were able to get him labeled a wacko and marginalize him.

They were helped by his own Presidential Campaign Team which never took advantage of the grass roots support and Ron Paul himself, who in the end, seemed more interested in getting re-elected to Congress and keeping those ear-marks going to his congressional district.

And when that happened, I lost pretty much all interest in the primaries; thus my lack of enthusiastic posting on this Blog.

For the FIRST time in my life, I actually got involved in LOCAL politics. We had Good vs Evil in the Mayors race. Good won (I worked for his campaign). Of the two Council Member seats up for grabs (each with four contenders each), one candidate stood head and shoulders above the rest and won easily.

The second went to a run-off where the candidate I voted and campaigned for in the first election turned out to me MUCH less appealing after some due diligence. His opponent I'm not terribly excited about, but I voted and supported him for the run-off more because I didn't want his opponent to win than by my enthusiasm for him.

Mrs. Unloadingzone and I early voted: the actual election isn't until June 10th. We'll see what happens. The important thing for my home city is that the BEST BY 1000 MILES candidate won the Mayoral contest.

And this local run-off election for a City Council seat: that's what the Presidential Election is going to come down to for me: everything considered, who is the lesser of two really mediocre if not outright bad choices.

John McCain I've never been a fan of. In the Senate and even during the primaries, he's been all over the board on a host of issues and has never, compared to his contemporaries over the years, shown the leadership and steadfastness to be President. And I still remember the Keating Five.

Barack Obama, I initially gave the benefit of the doubt to. He was against Iraq, voted against it, period. No double talking. And after Hillary's (and many others who followed her lead) constant refrain of "I was for the war then, but now I'm against it because.........", Obama came off as at least genuine.

He was a huge unknown beyond that, but he kind of had that JFK appeal and if elected, he would either rise to occasion or not. But it looked like he had POTENTIAL. Until his dirty laundry started coming out. One day a Flag pin, the next no Flag pin.....then the Flag pin again. And what smoker/former smoker actually believes he quit cold turkey in one day and has NEVER had a cigarette again?

The whole thing with his Pastor's/Friend racist remarks: first he kind of defended the Pastor, not the remarks but in the end (and much too late) denounced the remarks and dumped his former lifetime friend, the Pastor.

And then the other inconsistencies I'm not going to bother repeating: after all, he's the nominee now. Why bother?

So we won the Iraqi war (like we didn't learn in the First Gulf War that the Iraqi military just turns and runs UNLESS it's a religion-based war (7 years of Iran-Iraq), and then completely blew the aftermath by firing the Iraqi bureaucracy and disbanding the Army.

And Iraq fell apart because we didn't LEARN that Islam and sect mean everything to the Iraqi's and the created State of Iraq meant nothing. That "American Democracy" was a foreign concept that we forced on them, they didn't understand, and weren't ready for.

IF we were going in to topple Saddam Hussain, (a big mistake) we could have least have learned from our own history: we needed a Douglas MacArthur to be dictator of Iraq for 7 years as we educated the Iraqi's on "American Democracy" And even that probably wouldn't have ultimately worked because in post-WWII Japan, we only had ONE deity to deal with: the Emperor.

In Iraq, we have two very distinct branches of one religion....and they HATE each other.

McCain first said we'll stay in Iraq for 100 years if necessary. Now he's back-tracking to a shorter time frame. And Obama, who said he would pull out the troops post-haste, is now being said to admit that we're going to be there for a while.

So what are either one of them actually going to do if elected President? No clue. But whatever they do; stay or leave quick, it will be the wrong decision. Because there IS no decision which allows the US to get out cleanly. Bush screwed the pooch on this one and now we're all screwed.

We have a half trillion dollar deficit but BOTH candidates are talking new programs, new spending........and America is broke going on bankrupt.

And lets not forget Hillary. She's not out of the picture by any means. She's the mainstream media's Vice Presidential pick for the "Dream Ticket".

But Obama doesn't seem to be too enthusiastic about that. But he does need her active support to beat McCain (isn't that pathetic?) So if not VP, then what? Not the cabinet. Not an ambassadorship....that's not enough for Hillary.

A promise in blood to be nominated to the first Supreme Court opening? That's something Hillary would LOVE: to have a life-time appointment as an Activist Supreme Court Justice. And it's more dangerous than ANY scenario other than her being President with a Democrat Congress. Maybe even more so.

We have our two choices: McCain and Obama. Between now and election day in November, both have some choices to make; like a running mate.

Between now and election day, they will finally be able to go at each other head to head without the Hillary distraction. I'll be listening to what both say, who both pick for VP, and see what more dirt comes out on both of them.

I'll watch the debates and see how and what they have to say. Then I will weigh all that, hold my nose, and vote for the man I hope will do the least amount of damage over the next 4 years. I have no illusion that EITHER of them will do America any good.

I don't like voting that way. I like voting for someone I support and believe in, not the lesser of two evils. But at the Presidential level, I've done it over the last four Presidential Elections. I guess I can force myself to do it one more time.

But I will vote for one of them. I will not take the cop-out approach of simply not voting. I was wrong with Bush, but who knows how the Democrat choices would have been? They could have even have been worse. Or not.

So you vote too. Forget political party: vote for who YOU think will be the lesser of two evils.

If America is going to continue it's decline into a bi-lingual, Second-rate, Superpower only by virtue of our rusting nuclear weapons, we have have the obligation to say we contributed to it.

After all, most of America has been too self-involved and too self-centered to really give a damn. And so the politicos ran amok with our blessing. Now the chickens have come home to roost...if they can get a mortgage.

John McCain and Barack Obama. Who would have thought America would sink so low?

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