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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So Ron Paul got a mention on MSNBC. Yada, Yada, Yada

Ron Paul supporters are ecstatic that he actually got mentioned on MSNBC. I find the following quote ironic:

"Joe Trippi, a 25-year veteran of Iowa caucus politics who served as Howard Dean’s campaign manager in 2003 and who’s now a top aide to Edwards, said, “From what I see, Ron Paul is doing much better than his better-known opponents think he is doing. He is at that stage of the Dean campaign when all the other campaigns are laughing at him and have no idea of how strong he really is.”

We all remember how Howard Dean's run for the White House ended up. While I am confident that Dr. Paul is much more mentally stable than Howard Dean, I'm equally as confident that he will be, at best, a footnote to the 2008 Presidential Election, or at worst, the spoiler who siphons off enough conservative votes to put Hillary Clinton into the White House.

It's not the Dr. Paul's policy statements are necessarily wrong. They are just naive. He may say what a lot of people are thinking, but a lot of that is wishful thinking. I agree 100% with Dr. Paul on the income tax issue, for example. But in the real world of Washington, no Congress; Democrat or Republican, is going to support his plan. And since the President is not a dictator and Congress writes the laws, it's a no-starter. As for "the people" forcing their elected representatives to follow a Paul agenda, we can't even get Congress to enforce, let alone enhance, the existing laws on illegal immigration. And polls show a majority of the American public are anti-illegal immigration!

Most of Dr Paul's supporters are young, idealistic college students. And the truth is, as much as they rally and cheer, they just don't vote.

The rest of America has had it's idealism burned out of it by Bill Clinton and his scandals, Newt and his "revolution" that went no where, and the Republicans who demonstrated that, once in the majority, they are as corrupt morally, sexually, and as full of hot air as the Democrats ever were. We conservatives thought we had finally won in the 1990's and instead were left with dust in our mouths. And as weak a President as Bill Clinton was, George W. Bush has proven to be a loose cannon with policies impossible to justify; who, like the Captain of the Titanic, refuses to change course or even slow down.

The only thing that has mattered in Washington for the last 30 years was who had enough power to stack the courts with activist judges to their liking. These judges, especially the 5th Circuit, routinely make up there own laws and impose injunctions against laws passed by the will of the people. Again, illegal immigration is a prime example.

We, the over 40 crowd who do (or used to) vote are coming to grips with that and while Dr. Paul may be a pleasant fantasy for all of us, come election day, we're either going to stay home, vote against someone (like Hillary), or waste our vote on the "flavor of the day"; in this case, Dr. Paul so we can "feel better".

We're tired of trying to change an entrenched bureaucracy and political quid-pro-quo that has existed since.....probably the early 20th century. Something happens to idealists who go to Washington: they become politicians. Then it's all about the next election and the election after that. Career politicians. The desire overtakes all of them sooner or later.

Every 20 or 30 years, the people get riled up and make a lot of noise, but nothing changes except the people we elect: they become Politicians bent on becoming Career Politicians. And every so often, someone dangerous shows up. This time its Hillary Clinton. Stopping her is my only agenda, because in the end, Rudy or Fred or John or the whole list of Presidential want-to-be's will be no different than their predecessors.

The status quo marches on and America continues it's slide from greatness to 2nd-world status. We can bluster and yell and demand change, but the handwriting is already on the wall. China will be the premier Superpower of the 22nd century and America will be a balkanized, politically correct, low income parody of itself.

The dollar is sliding towards worthless against the Euro and even the Canadian dollar, oil will be over $100 a barrel any day now, and we're not drilling for more because it would upset the caribou in Alaska.

So kids, don't waste your time. Excel in school. Get your Masters and your PhD. Work to be in the future elite because the middle class is already collapsing and that just leaves being poor. Or do all the preceding and learn Mandarin Chinese so you can be an immigrant looking for a better life.

Enter the House of Dreams Charity Raffle

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Hillary versus Rudy versus Mr. Unloadingzone on Healthcare

Illegal Immigration is only one of the key hot-button issues in the 2008 Presidential Elections. Health care is another big one in which Hillary and Rudy could not be further apart.

Rudy comes out swinging in his new ad "Chance". He talks about his own bout with prostrate cancer. He credits his survival in large part to the American System of Medicine which has an 82% success rate against prostrate cancer as opposed to a 44% survival rate in socialized medicine Great Britain.

The gist of his message is that the free market will always do a better job than governments, both in delivery of service and in cost. He uses plasma TVs and Lasik eye surgery as examples.

His solution is a $15,000 tax deduction for families and a $7500 tax deduction for individuals to go out and buy their own insurance. The positive is that Rudy is coming out strong against government and corporate-sponsored health care. The negative is that a tax deduction is not money in your pocket; it's money deducted from your taxable earnings. With the price of individual health care coverage being what it is today, those deductions are just not going to cover the bill except for the most basic of health care.

Hillary, on the other hand, is absolutely convinced that all the problems and costs associated with health care today are the Fault of the free market. Her mantra that a government-run, limited selection, and few health care choices; are a worthy trade-off for providing health coverage to all Americans.

I personally think Rudy's opinion is the correct one, but his solution will come up short. Hillary doesn't see people as individuals but as groups, so it's difficult for her to grasp why socialized medicine is failing in the countries that practice it but is correct in thinking non-standardization is part of the problem. She is also correct in having a low opinion of the way most insurance companies operate. The medical arena is no different to them than their home, car, or life insurance business. And when have your premiums on those ever gone down?

Another issue which no one addresses directly but is the big white elephant in the room is that every American expects the absolute best in medical care when they need it for a low, low price, but don't really understand the costs involved in delivering that care. Long gone are the days the family doctor would show up for a house call with his little medical bag, containing everything he needed.

Does the average person have any idea what an MRI machine costs? Much less than they used to when they first came out, of course, but new state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment equipment is coming out all the time. It significantly increases the quality of our health-care which Rudy demonstrates in his "Chance" ad, but it does come at a price. Today you can get an MRI same day if needed. In Canada, it can be up to a nine month wait.

So what can we do to ensure high quality care at a lower cost? Today's doctors, hospitals and insurance companies spend an enormous amount of money on administrative staffs trying to keep up with the different rules, forms and paperwork, and reimbursements of the different insurance plans and companies. The bureaucracy in medicine is here already even without Hillary-Care, and it's sucking up billions of dollars.

Law-makers, Doctors, Insurance Companies, and Lawyers need to sit down and agree to fair, yet sane, medical malpractice laws. Many doctors are giving up high-risk fields such as OBY/GN because their malpractice insurance premiums are bankrupting them. And the American people are going to have to get over this "victim" mentality and stop looking at a malpractice lawsuit as a winning lottery ticket. Doctors are human. Mistakes can happen. Unless there is provable gross negligence or incompetence, a doctor's humanity should not be a ticket to the bank....and he shouldn't have to pay outrageous malpractice premiums to protect against being human. Can anyone reading this honestly say they've never made a mistake at work? The only difference between you and your doctor is that he is working in a much more demanding and risky field.

Doctors and all the Insurance Companies need to sit down and first standardize, then simplify, their administrative protocols. Something as simple as standardizing diagnostic codes would save millions. The insurance companies pay a huge amount of money to administer their programs so they have a vested interest in this as well.

Imagine a handful of mega-clearance centers, supported by all the insurance companies, which would process all claims. The savings through the economy of scale alone would be huge. Insurance companies would still be able to offer the plethora of plans and coverage that Americans demand, but at a much lower cost.

And the "group plan" concept must be expanded to include the American Citizen Population as one group. No more charging for pre-existing conditions or so-called risky behavior. No more policy cancellations because a person has had one condition too many. Spreading the risk over 300MM+ Americans is going to result in much less expensive coverage than spreading the risk over a few thousand employee group plan.

Government would have a role too. The primary is oversight: we are a capitalistic society but, like car and home-owners insurance, there needs to be a watchdog to balance profit against gouging....and at the same time make sure there IS a profit because this is America; because businesses reinvest their profits in new products and services (which means even better health care); because Doctors start out hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical school debt, not to mention the cost of outfitting and staffing an office. Either everyone wins or everyone loses.

The Government would also have the responsibility of moving citizens off of Medicare and Medicaid and onto private policies. With the prices of health care policies now so much lower, only a fraction of the money spent today on Medicare and Medicaid would be needed to subsidize poor Americans. I stress the word "Americans" here. Illegal aliens, while theoretically could buy health insurance I suppose, should not receive one dime in tax-payer money towards health care. They should not be here in the first place and the only money spent on them should be to deport them. If their home countries have socialized medicine, they can take advantage of it. If they don't, then let their home countries subsidize their care. It is not our responsibility; not our obligation; not our duty.

The only purpose this Government-Insurance Company-Medical Community collaboration has is to provide as many Americans as possible the best possible health care at the lowest possible price; and do it in a market environment. It is obtainable if all parties stick to this mission. Absolutely obtainable BUT only if all parties have the same goal with no extraneous add-ons like subsidies for illegal aliens. No subsidies for Americans who chose not to invest in their own health-care and suddenly have an emergency.

Americans can have the best medical care at an affordable price. It's just a matter of will.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

When did George W. Bush Go Insane?

I originally voted for George W. Bush based on his credentials and the way he worked with both Democrats and Republicans as Texas Governor. After 8 polarizing years of Bill Clinton and a Republican Congress, he seemed exactly what we needed.

I didn't like what he did to the bankruptcy laws or his attempt to get into bed with Ted Kennedy on Health care. Predictably, Kennedy later stabbed Bush in the back. Maybe that's where the insanity began.

I liked the way Bush handled 9/11. He conducted himself the way an American President should. This may have started his slide to insanity too, though.

We can Monday morning quarterback attacking Iraq and if I knew today what I knew then, I would not have supported the attack. What scares me is that if George W. Bush knew today what he knew then, I think he would have done the exact same thing.

In my post Mr. Obama, Wake up and Smell the Gunpowder, I outlined the probable scenario which played out at the White House prior to our going into Iraq. Based on that scenario, I would have supported going in as did (gulp!) Hillary and most Americans.

In Monday morning quarterbacking it, our best move would have been to actually treat Iraq more like Korea; even support Saddam a little bit. The sad fact is that, take away the oil, most Middle East nations are living in the Middle Ages. Clans, tribes, family honor: these all mean more than a created nation like "Iraq". They needed a strong (he could have been a little bit more benevolent) dictator like Saddam to hold the country together. Iraq was a Sunni-controlled, strategically located area in the midst of Shiite insanity. Saddam stood between Syria and Iran and kept either one from getting too out of line. Despite his bluster, Saddam knew we kicked his army to pieces in Gulf War I and were even better positioned today to steamroll over them if he got too out of line again.

Where Saddam miscalculated was how far he could go in his rhetoric before a post-9/11 America would jump the gun and attack.

George Bush completely blew the peace with too few military in place, disbanding the Iraqi army, and firing any (which means most) bureaucrats who were Sunni, thus allowing the entire Iraqi infrastructure to collapse.

Today we're between a rock and a hard place: we can't stay and we can't leave. The solutions floated involving a partition of Iraq into Sunni, Shiite, and Kurd regions with assurances of equitable oil distribution is probably the best we can do at this point.

And in walks George W. Bush again. "Give me $48BB more for the war!", he cries. And now, out of nowhere, we have all but declared war on Iran! We can't even sustain the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: how, short of going nuclear, are we going to fight a war with Iran too?

And to what point? Install Democracy in yet another country not ready for it? Unify the rest of the Shiite world against, not only us, but Saudi Arabia, the rest of the moderate Middle Eastern nations and, of course, Israel. WHERE DID THIS IDEA COME FROM??????????

A month ago there was American rhetoric. Today, we declared unilateral sanctions against the entire Iranian armed forces???!!!!!! What is THAT going to accomplish except unite the Iranians against us? We are seriously looking at all-out war with Iran within the next 60 days if not sooner at the rate Bush keeps ratcheting up the stakes. TO WHAT POINT?

There are only two logical conclusions one can draw from these actions: the United States Government has serious, verified intelligence that Iran represents an IMMINENT threat........or George W. Bush has gone insane.

The field of political candidates now have an issue other than Illegal Immigration they are going to have to own up to. My advise for everyone but Hillary is to STRONGLY oppose a US/Iran war. Iran is going to have to be dealt with some day, and with Iraq gone as an obstacle to the Iranians, one which is going to be very difficult to resolve.

But when the time comes, Iran needs to be dealt with in concert with a number of other nations, not unilaterally by Pax America. And (unless Bush knows something critical I don't) it should NOT be dealt with NOW. We have more than enough on our military plate. Maintaining the status quo until the next President comes into office is going to be difficult enough. And only the NEXT President will be in a position to actually bring all this to some kind of close. WHO the next President is will determine what kind of close that is.

If Hillary is the next President, then we'll just pack up and leave, giving Iraq to Iran and Syria. Soon after that, we will have a REAL problem in the Middle East.

What can George Bush do in the meantime and Congress as well? Wean us off of Middle Eastern Oil! Open up Alaska: the Alaskan people want it. The caribou will get over it. Open up off-shore drilling. Not doing it is a luxury we can't afford anymore. I'm sorry if it ruins some of the Hollywood elite's view of the ocean.

Build refineries! Take the $43BB you want to increase war spending and build refineries! All the oil in the world won't do us any good without refineries and we haven't built new ones in decades. Also on that subject, why do we have 40 different grades of gasoline and heating oil? Come up with three and let the States pick the version they want. The price of gas will fall, the speed of gas to market will increase, the whole process will be so much more efficient!

Build Nuclear Power plants! It's not the 1970's anymore: the Europeans and Japanese have developed cookie-cutter designs which are safe, easy and quick to assemble. Cut all the red tape! Even the hated (by me) French are 80% nuclear now. The US is barely 10%.

The less dependent we are on Middle Eastern oil (currently at an all-time high), the less relevant they are, the less we have to worry about them, and the less power they will wield. Then we can leave them to themselves to figure out which is the "correct" version of Islam and other issues we have absolutely no interest in.

But for God's sake, Mr President, DON'T GET US INTO ANOTHER WAR!!!!! I wouldn't even wish THAT on Hillary.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

THE ISSUE: Illegal Immigration Crisis in America Today

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Enter the House of Dreams Charity Raffle

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Now is NOT the time for Ron Paul

Ron Paul has some great ideas and positions. He might even make a good President someday. But idea's and policies are NOT what the 2008 Presidential Election is all about.

The Republicans controlled Congress through most of the last 13 years and the Presidency for the last 7. And what did we conservatives get in return? Sex scandals, forced resignations, bloated budgets, a botched after-"victory" policy in Iraq, bankruptcy "reform" favoring businesses over the individual. We got pork, and lots of it. We got higher taxes with more on the way. In short, we got business as usual in Washington.

The 2008 Presidential Election is not about ideas or philosophies. It's about one thing and one thing only: making sure Hillary Clinton is not the next President of the United States.

Only a handful of Presidents have really made a difference in the recent past. FDR with socialized security and maneuvering the US into WWII as a way to end the depression. Nixon went to China, who if they play their cards right, will be the reigning economic and political superpower of the 22nd century. Ronald Reagan did defeat the Soviet Union and is a personal hero of mine, but his 1986 Amnesty Bill gave hope to millions of Mexicans who have since invaded America and have caused the immigration mess which will ultimately drag us down to 2nd world status.

Bill Clinton did do one thing I am eternally grateful for: he directed the military to stop purposely distorting the signals from the civilian GPS satellites. I have no sense of direction and an accurate car navigation system is essential to my well-being.

George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter I rank as the two worst Presidents of the 20th century. But for all the damage they did and bad policy they executed, America survived. If Hillary Clinton is elected President, we may not be so lucky.

This next Presidential election is all about NOT electing Hillary Clinton President. Period. Since Ron Paul is not capable of beating her head to head, he can only serve as a spoiler, talking votes away from the Republican candidate. And that elects Hillary President.

I still have great hopes for Obama. If he can get his campaign in sync, he has a chance of beating Hillary in the primaries. Texas has open primaries, and for the first time in my life, I'll be voting in the Democrat primary for Obama. If he's selected as the Democrat candidate, then frankly I don't care who wins the general election anymore so go ahead and push Ron Paul.

But my biggest nightmare is a Clinton/Obama Democrat ticket. That will be REAL tough to overcome and Ron Paul will only make it harder.

Lets talk about Ron Paul for a moment. I'm an evangelical Christian and I could support him. I agree with most of his views. But I'm from Texas and I never even HEARD of this guy before Digg and other similar outlets started publicizing him. He has NO national name recognition and as I said earlier, this is not an election about ideas: it's an election to beat Hillary. She's a household name, has more Teflon coating her than Ronald Reagan could ever dream of having, has a huge and successful political machine and the mainstream media behind her. We also have an American public that is sick of George Bush, sickened by Republicans, and is "looking for a change". It doesn't matter what the change is, it's change time.

When Bill Clinton's 2nd term expired, Hillary basically left Washington, bought a multi-million dollar house in NY (with questionable funding), said "I am a New Yorker", and ran for Senator. All the Clinton scandals and dirt were still fresh in everyones minds. She had no experience as an elected official and NY is a powerful state. She shouldn't have had a chance.

The Republicans put up Rick Lazio, a staunch conservative, very popular in his congressional district, and the darling of NY talk radio. He was a life-long New Yorker and should have mopped the floor with a blatant carpet-bagger like Hillary Clinton. But he had no name recognition in Northern New York and Hillary out-debated him. The rest is history. Yesterday's Rick Lazio is today's Ron Paul.

Fortunately (I can't believe I'm using that word), the Democrats control Congress and public support for Congress is at a low too. The Republicans could actually pick up a few seats there.
But when it comes to the Presidency, lets get real: unless one of them implodes, the Republican nominee is going to be either Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney. Romney is better on policy but is a Mormon. That doesn't bother me even though I consider Mormons to be cultists, not Christians, any more than it bothered me that Joe Lieberman was Jewish. Or that JFK was Catholic. This is politics, not religion. I do draw the line at Scientologists, but other than that, religion is not going to be a factor in who I vote for. Unfortunately, that may not be the case for the critical evangelical Christians the Republicans need to win. Rudy's position on abortion is not a big help there either.

The last thing we need is another excuse for Christian and conservative voters to "protest" by staying home and that's Ron Paul. Voting sometimes means holding your nose and choosing the lesser of two evils. I did that that when I voted for Bush 43 because Al Gore and his wacky environment policies would have meant $5.00/gallon gas and all kinds of other invasive, restrictive, and America-hurting policies.

Ron Paul has no chance of beating Hillary Clinton head to head. God forbid he decides to run as a third-party candidate and become another Ross Perot, syphoning off Republican votes. It's still early in the campaign so let him run as hard as he likes, as long as its against Hillary and not against the other Republican contenders. In the end, if he's any kind of factor, let him come out strongly for whomever the Republicans do select as their candidate and campaign hard for them and against Hillary. He'll live to fight another day.

One day, Ron Paul could be a viable Presidential candidate, but not this time. The goal for 2008 is to prevent Hillary Clinton, who is a clear and present danger to the nation, from becoming our next President.

At this point, I think Rudy is more electable than Mitt, even though I disagree with Rudy on a number of issues. And he needs to tone down the "9/11 hero" thing: everyone KNOWS all about that already and he doesn't need to rub it in America's face at every opportunity to profit from could backfire. Rudy also did an AMAZING job in transforming NY City from a dirty, crime-ridden, dark, Batman-like Gotham City into the beautiful place it is today: I know, I lived 25 minutes away, and you just didn't visit NY, especially at night, under his predecessor's time in office. I know the liberal spin says otherwise, but Rudy really turned the city around.

And if Rudy does implode, or Mitt Romney looks to be the best bet for beating Hillary, I'll vote for him. Because, as I said at the start, this election is not about policy, ideas or any of that. This election is about one thing and one thing only: Electing ANYONE but Hillary Clinton President of the United States.

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Friday, October 12, 2007

Hillary Endorsed by Former Mexican President Fox!

Former Mexican President Fox, travelling on his US book tour, stated that it's time for a woman to be elected President of the United States to help America "regain its compassionate side". Since Hillary Clinton is the only woman currently running for President, this is a de facto endorsement of Mrs. Clinton.

Why should anyone be surprised since Hillary supports "fair" immigration reform (this means legalize the Illegal Aliens already here and let more in).

Fox was full of suggestions, demands, advice and criticism of America during his many interviews. He poked fun at President Bush's "grade-school-level Spanish", conveniently forgetting that the overwhelming majority of Hispanic Illegal Aliens don't even speak English. It's America's responsibility to make store signs, forms, automated phone systems, and education bilingual to accommodate the Illegal Mexican invaders.

"The United States is denying it's immigrant soul" he laments and then holds up Irving, Texas, a town actually enforcing American Immigration Law, as an example. "What is happening in Irving, Texas, is disturbing, deeply troubling" he declared. "It shows that the anti-immigrant mood that I confronted in the U.S. Congress has now reached the public at large."

You've got it backwards, Mr. Fox: the anti-ILLEGAL immigrant mood of the majority of Americans has finally reached a point where even Congress has to acknowledge it. That doesn't mean Congress is DOING anything about it; they're happy to leave that responsibility (which is theirs) to State and Local governments for now. Meanwhile, State and Local governments are frustrated because when they do try to implement THE LAW, activist liberal Judges rule against them every time. Congress needs to step up to the immigration reform table by first making sure the laws we have BARRING Illegal Immigration withstand these court decisions while ENFORCING existing laws.

This is what Mr. Fox is afraid of and why he, by implication, endorsed liberal globalist Hillary Clinton. He knows President Hillary would veto any legislation that interfered with the "rights" of Illegal Aliens.

I shook my head in amazement when yesterday, Irving Mayor Herbert Gears actually had to DEFEND the actions of the Irving government and police. "We're simply attending to our local responsibility to involve any measure available to improve the quality of life for all people that live in our city, including immigrants." It's safe to say he was referring to Legal Immigrants in that statement.

Mr. Fox made a number of other statements as a former head of state visiting and referring to the United States that are just jaw-dropping. Here's a sample and what SHOULD be the American Government's response to each:

Fox: "Many of the people from my hometown of San Cristobal are people I grew up with; honest hardworking men I played marbles with as kids, and who later had to migrate to North Dallas, Texas. Of course it hurts when these cities deny the people you grew up with and {treat them} like criminals."

Mr. Unloadingzone: If they were so honest and hardworking, why did they HAVE to ILLEGALLY migrate to North Dallas, Texas? Isn't it because Mexico has failed for decades in raising up it's poor and, instead of taking care of them, Mexico is ENCOURAGING the poor to invade America for social services, medical care, jobs, and free education? Isn't it true that your answer to poverty and inequality in Mexico is to EXPORT the problem to the USA? As to treating them like criminals, Mr. Fox, THEY ARE CRIMINALS! They reside in the United States Illegally which is a CRIME. Be my guest: take them all back to Mexico with you and treat them like kings if you like, but stop giving them handbooks on how to sneak across the US border!

Mr. Fox: feels his book is necessary to remind the US citizens of "its rich immigrant soul, its heritage that is now threatened by fear, xenophobia."

Mr. Unloadingzone: The people your ILLEGAL invaders need to fear the most are the Violent Criminal Illegal Aliens who prey on (by YOUR definition, not mine) law-abiding Illegal Aliens knowing the victims won't go to the police." YOUR criminal gangs are taking over California, areas of Texas and Arizona, and spreading throughout the US. Our "rich immigrant soul" applied to LEGAL immigrants, like my grandparents, who went through Ellis Island, entered America legally, had a REAL DESIRE to BE Americans, and blended into the melting pot which once made a unique American culture. This is 2007, not 1897. We can't afford your tired, your poor, your non-assimilating "America is a place to live, not a Country to call home" sub-class. We need nurses from the Philippines and doctors and computer engineers from Eastern Europe and India. We need educated professionals from Japan and a host of other countries who see America as an Opportunity to PARTICIPATE in, not to burden down and exploit.

Mr. Fox also greeted ILLEGAL Alien cooks and busboys at a Manhattan hotel. Thanks for the slap in face and flaunting of OUR laws, Mr. Fox! And why weren't these self-admitted ILLEGAL ALIENS immediately arrested and deported? How can we expect Mr. Fox and others to respect our laws if OUR OWN GOVERNMENT won't enforce them??

Mr. Fox also applauded the actions of Mexican Consul Enrique Hubbard Urrea when he warned (Illegal) immigrants from his country to avoid Irving, TX. He went on to strongly endorse the policy of Felipe Calderon, the current President of Mexico, that the 47 or so Mexican Consulates on US soil should be much more aggressive in defending the rights of Mexican migrants.

Mr. Unloadingzone: First of all, Mr. Fox, we are not talking about "migrants", "immigrants" or "residents".....we are talking about ILLEGAL ALIENS: people who entered this country Illegally and have no legal "right" to be here. At least be accurate in your terms. And of COURSE you support them: they wire HOME to Mexico somewhere in the area of $60 Billion a year, they don't cost you a dime to educate, feed, cloth, or provide medical care for, and are conveniently out of your hair. They are forcing YOUR culture on US while, ironically, the biggest uproar in Mexico right now is that Taco Bell opened up some restaurants in Mexico which will corrupt MEXICAN culture!

But back to the Hillary Clinton for President endorsement. During a rambling diatribe about his grandfather, Mr. Fox concluded with the statement: "That says something about the universality of immigration."

Universality. Globalism. Global Community. Socialism. America Second. World Government. Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton.

So in the Primaries and in the General Election, choose the lesser of the evils: Vote for ANYONE BUT HILLARY in 2008. Your immediate future depends on it.

Also for your reading pleasure on the plane ride home, Mr. Fox (and don't let the door hit you on the way out!):

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Does Hillary Clinton Represent Americans or Illegal Aliens?

On May 17 2007, the Clinton Campaign released the following position statement on "Immigration Reform". Read it so you have it in-context; my comments follow:

Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Washington, DC - "This afternoon, a bipartisan group of Senators, who have been working closely in conjunction with the Administration, announced that they had reached an agreement on a comprehensive approach for reforming our broken immigration system.
As I have long maintained, comprehensive immigration reform must have as essential ingredients a strengthening of our borders, greater cross-cooperation with our neighbors, strict but fair enforcement of our laws, federal assistance to our state and local governments, strict penalties for those who exploit undocumented workers, and a path to earned legal status for those who are here, working hard, paying taxes, respecting the law, and willing to meet a high bar. In particular, we must also ensure that any bill protects the sanctity of families and does not lead to the creation of a new underclass in our country.
I will scrutinize carefully the proposed compromise to see if it honors our nation's principles and proud immigrant heritage while also respecting the rule of law."

Let me highlight some of the key language in this statement.

  • "strict but fair enforcement of our laws",
  • "strict penalties for those who exploit undocumented workers",
  • "a path to earned legal status for those who are here, working hard, paying taxes, respecting the law, and willing to meet a high bar."

The rest is just filler designed to make her sound tough on illegal immigration and "fair" on illegal immigration at the same time. I included the entire statement so no Hillary-lover could accuse me of taking her out of context.

STATEMENT #1: "strict but fair enforcement of our laws". The law says you must enter this country legally or you will be deported. What's unfair about that?

We have, and have always had, immigration quotas for a reason. Quotas ensure America and it's social systems are not overwhelmed. They ensure the new immigrants can be assimilated into American society, not balkanize America. Quotas ensure that criminals and those with communicable diseases are not admitted into the country. What's unfair about that?

How can we be strict but lax at the same time? How about saying "strict enforcement of our laws, period, Hillary? Shouldn't we enforce all our laws strictly? Congress establishes the laws on immigration: are you saying Congress, current and past, has been unfair? Then change the laws you created, but if you don't strictly enforce any law, it teaches disrespect for the law.

STATEMENT #2: "strict penalties for those who exploit undocumented workers". How about strict penalties for those who violated our immigration laws and are in this country illegally? Your nemesis, Big Business and Capitalism, wouldn't have anyone to exploit if we strictly enforced our immigration laws. I will concede the point to Hillary that if there wasn't a demand for illegal aliens, then they wouldn't come here in the numbers they currently do. I'm not opposed to strict penalties for businesses employing illegal aliens, but I notice you left out the word "fair".

Just yesterday, US District Judge Charles Breyer issued a preliminary injunction that stops Homeland Security from using mis-matched social security numbers to ferret out companies that are hiring illegal aliens. Homeland Security had already identified 8 million workers at 140,000 companies with SSAN mismatches. A number of these are no doubt clerical errors by the employee, the employer or the Social Security Administration, but the affected companies had 90 days to clear them up once notified. The vast remainder are illegal aliens who should be arrested and deported. And yes, Hillary, the employers who knowingly hired them should be penalized. "Knowingly" is the key. Every time Homeland Security enacts a plan to identify illegals, liberal Judges (Breyer is from San Francisco) strike them down. And like your complete statement above, our Senators and Congressmen generally talk out of both sides of their mouth, not wanting alienate the (hopefully legal) Hispanic voters when it comes to immigration.

STATEMENT #3: "a path to earned legal status for those who are here, working hard, paying taxes, respecting the law, and willing to meet a high bar." is the MOST INFURIATING of all and contradicts everything you've said concerning enforcing the law.

I'll analyse this statement from the end to the front. "willing to meet a high bar"......I have absolutely no idea what that means but it sure sounds tough! How about the first bar being: entering this country legally in the first place.

"respecting the law"....they BROKE the law to enter this country ILLEGALLY! By this fact alone, they are unqualified for your "earned legal status". And living in Texas which is one of the battleground states under invasion from Mexico, there are stories every day about people who are involved in auto accidents with illegals who don't even have Driver's Licenses, let alone insurance. So who ends up paying? LAW ABIDING Americans with Insurance through higher and higher insurance premiums to cover these claims. Illegal aliens don't respect the law: why should they when we don't enforce it? Why aren't the illegal aliens involved in these accidents arrested and deported? They are in this country ILLEGALLY and their very presence here is a violation of the law. Why don't we enforce our own laws?

"working hard" and "paying taxes": "Working hard is a generalization as well as a stereotype. Illegal Aliens also steal to survive. In fact, the Mexican version of the Mafia has grown to enormous proportions here in the US. Even the Arian Nation kowtows to them in prison.

As to "paying taxes", not all illegal aliens work for BIG BUSINESS with phony social security cards. Many work for small companies or individuals who pay them in cash. No tax money there.

We also have a real education crisis here in Texas because the Supreme Court in 1977 ruled that a Texas law prohibiting illegal aliens from receiving a free public-paid education was unconstitutional. Our schools are overburdened as are our tax payers, education is suffering because of "bilingualism". English speaking children are held back until the Spanish only can catch up. And since the Hispanic illegal alien parents speak no or poor English, their children get no chance to practice English at home.

There is also a huge cash-based underground economy among illegal aliens which is untaxed and the price of free medical care and other social services is bankrupting the country. Add to that the $60 BILLION Hispanics don't spend on products and services in the US but wire back to Mexico and it's no wonder the Mexican Government gives out handbooks on how to sneak into the US.

In Irving, Texas, the Mexican Consulate had the AUDACITY to PUBLICLY warn illegal aliens to stay away from Irving because Irving Police are actually participating in a program which allows them to question criminals as to their legal status and turn them over to ICE if they're here illegally.

You talk about "assistance to State and Local Governments" in your about allowing them to enforce the law by adopting legislation even activist Judges can't get around? How about worrying more about AMERICANS OF ALL RACES and THEIR rights MORE than those of ILLEGAL, INVADING Aliens?

Here's some suggested reading for you, Hillary: The Series: The Immigration Crisis in America Today. It's a series of posts with such interesting titles as "How to Stop Illegal Immigration for Dummies" and "Immigrant Hispanics and Compassionate Racism in America".

You're not going to able to walk the fence on this issue against a conservative Republican opponent, Hillary. You've got the polling data that shows where the American voters (the legal ones, at least) stand on this issue and it's not for allowing illegals (not undocumented...please stop using that word; but illegal aliens) "earning" legal status after breaking our laws in the first place. Watch out: your globalism is showing!

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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Mr Obama, Wake Up and Smell the Gunpowder!

I'm clinging to memories of Howard Dean, the last Democrat front-runner who imploded in the end to avoid nightmares over candidate Clinton. But Mr. Obama, your ill-run campaign and ill-advised handling of the Iraq War vote is reflecting in the polls and making it harder to hold the demons away in my sleep

Obama was my big hope: young, energetic and possessing an almost Kennedy-like charm. He's well-spoken, "acceptable" black American for Democrats who would love to have the first black President be from their party.

But the blush is starting to come off the rose. He alienated twenty million + American cigarette smokers when he instantly caved to criticism of his habit and quit (more likely, he's now a closet-smoker). His recent decision to remove and not wear the American Flag lapel pin to protest the war is extreme and a slap in the face of pretty much every (legal) American, especially Veterans. He is going way to far in highlighting his "no" vote against the war in Iraq. If he thought this was going to make Hillary look like a flip-flopper and hurt her campaign, he was and is wrong.

Let me let you in on a little secret, Mr. Obama: Hillary was right for supporting the war AT THAT TIME. So was George Bush and so was I and millions of other Americans.

Monday morning quarterbacking is easy: think back to that time. We were living in a post-9/11 world. A madman who had used chemical weapons on his own people was yelling at the top of his lungs to anyone who would listen that he was creating more...and now biological and nuclear weapons too. Imagine you're George Bush. You call the CIA: what's the intel? The CIA replies "uh, we don't have any except maybe some yellow-cake uranium sales and satellite photos that kind of look like mobile bio labs. But we just don't have any Muslim agents in Iraq (or pretty much at all).

Meanwhile, Saddam is getting more aggressive in pushing the no-fly zone limits and actually shooting at our aircraft. And all the while, he keeps yelling "I'm making weapons of mass destruction"! Pre-9/11 there may have been more time for intel gathering but post 9/11? Do you RISK America that Saddam may be telling the TRUTH? The answer for George Bush, Hillary Clinton, Me, and a lot of other people was a resounding NO, Don't Risk It!!!"

So we attacked Iraq, won, and couldn't find the WMD's. There are stories of long truck convoys to Syria in the weeks prior to the attack so who knows. Personally, I hope that's garbage: the thought of Syria with a huge stash of WMD's doesn't make me sleep any easier either.

George Bush and those who voted to support him were right to attack Iraq. But where George Bush completely and utterly failed was in the aftermath of the war.

Iraq is not Germany or Japan (who we occupied for many years after WWII). Take away the oil, and most Middle East nations are living in the 14th century. Clan, Tribe, Family Honor....all of these mean more than a created nation called "Iraq". What's Democracy? They have no understanding of the concept. They NEED a (hopefully benevolent) dictator. WE needed to install a later-day Douglas MacArthur to be Supreme Leader of Iraq......until they could be educated and weaned onto democracy. But with the Iraqi Army foolishly disbanded; with the Iraqi Sunni government bureaucracy foolishly dismissed, the country quickly fell into chaos. Shites and Sunnis who had lived side by side for years because Saddam told them to began killing each other and blowing up each other's mosques. They would blow up their own power plants and then complain to CNN that they had no electricity. George Bush won the war and then lost the "peace".

Like Hillary, I (God, it pains me to see those three words next to each other) supported the war and now want out. How we get out is where we differ (that feels better) with Hillary wanting to cut and run, leaving some "advisers" while I feel the only viable solution is to partition Iraq into Sunni, Shiite, and Kurd regions with a weak central government whose only real job is to ensure each regions shares equally in the oil revenues so they won't start killing each other over it.

But I'm not running for President, Mr. Obama: you are. And if you continue to disrespect the American flag and throw your "I voted against the war and you're a flip-flopper" at Hillary in a debate, she will mop the floor with you. Then she'll start comparing her experience in Government to yours (conveniently forgetting her husband was only the Governor of a back-water state), you'll start fumbling for words, and it's all over.

Remember, Hillary has been preparing her entire life for this chance to be President of the United States. You're just a guy who was in the right place at the right time.

I REALLY hope your campaign cleans up it's act and closes the gap between you and Hillary in the polls. My home state of Texas has open primaries and for the first time in my life, I'll be voting in the Democrat primary. If you're ahead of Hillary in the polls or the second place challenger, I'll be voting for you. Otherwise, I'll voting for whomever is. But in the primaries and in the general election, I'll tell you exactly who I'm voting for: ANYONE BUT HILLARY!!!!!!!!

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